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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2024.1.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Audit API Reference Guide

Deprecation notice

Support for the audit endpoint and UI has been deprecated. Instead, pull audit logs from Kubernetes and push them to your SIEM.

This page describes the audit endpoint API. The audit API allows users to programmatically search for audit records in Immuta.


Additional fields may be included in some responses you receive; however, these attributes are for internal purposes and are therefore undocumented.


  1. Search all audit records.
  2. Retrieve a specific audit record.
  3. Search for recent activities using the API key.
  4. Search for queries for a specific data source.

Search for audit records


Method Path Purpose
GET /audit Search for audit records.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId array[integer] The data source ID. No
projectId array[integer] The project ID. No
profileId array[integer] The user profile ID. No
recordType array[integer] The type of audit event being captured. This also corresponds to the additional information in the record field. No
outcome Array[integer] No
minDate timestamp The minimum date. No
maxDate timestamp The maximum date. No
blobId string The blob ID. No
purpose integer No
offset integer Used in combination with size to fetch pages. No
size integer Pages results by default; size is the number of results to return per page. Default 50 No
sortField string Sorts results by field. Default dateTime No
sortOrder string Sorts results by order, which must be asc or desc. Default desc No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
hits metadata Details regarding the returned list of audits.

Request example

The following request searches for all audit records.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "hits": [
      "dateTime": "1632756753272",
      "dataSourceName": null,
      "projectName": null,
      "recordType": "auditQuery",
      "blobId": null,
      "userId": "first.last@immuta.com",
      "profileId": 2,
      "purposeIds": null,
      "success": true,
      "failureReason": null,
      "id": "480d9d3f-4128-445d-8eec-3cccb34f9935",
      "fingerprintVersionName": null,
      "email": "first.last@immuta.com"
      "dateTime": "1632755783628",
      "dataSourceName": null,
      "projectName": null,
      "recordType": "authenticate",
      "blobId": null,
      "userId": "first.last@immuta.com",
      "profileId": 2,
      "purposeIds": null,
      "success": true,
      "failureReason": null,
      "id": "d143719b-6af9-4af3-aa99-8055be40e877",
      "fingerprintVersionName": null,
      "email": "first.last@immuta.com"

Retrieve a specific audit record


Method Path Purpose
GET /audit/{recordId} Retrieve a specific audit record.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
recordId string The audit record ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
hits metadata Details regarding the returned audit record.

Request example

The following request retrieves a specific audit record.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response Example

  "id": "480d9d3f-4128-445d-8eec-3cccb34f9935",
  "dateTime": "1632756753272",
  "month": 1460,
  "profileId": 2,
  "userId": "first.last@immuta.com",
  "dataSourceId": null,
  "dataSourceName": null,
  "projectId": null,
  "projectName": null,
  "purposeIds": null,
  "policyId": null,
  "policyName": null,
  "fingerprintVersionId": null,
  "fingerprintVersionName": null,
  "count": 1,
  "recordType": "auditQuery",
  "success": true,
  "failureReason": null,
  "failureDetails": null,
  "subscriptionState": null,
  "accessedId": null,
  "accessedIdType": null,
  "accessedIamId": null,
  "accessedUserId": null,
  "groupAccessType": null,
  "groupIamId": null,
  "accessedGroupId": null,
  "component": "audit",
  "accessType": null,
  "blobId": null,
  "query": null,
  "queryId": null,
  "extra": {
    "params": {
      "size": 50,
      "sortField": "dateTime",
      "sortOrder": "desc",
      "offset": 0
  "dataSourceSchemaName": null,
  "dataSourceTableName": null,
  "featureKey": null,
  "sqlUser": null,
  "action": null,
  "blobSize": null,
  "hardDelete": null,
  "keyAction": null,
  "keyId": null,
  "keyIamId": null,
  "keyUserId": null,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-27T15:32:33.274Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-27T15:32:33.274Z"

Query for activity by API key


Method Path Purpose
GET /audit/apikey/activity Queries for the recent activity using the API key.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
recordId string The audit record ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
value metadata regarding the recent activity.

Request example

The following request queries for the recent activity using the API key.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "id": "480d9d3f-4128-445d-8eec-3cccb34f9935",
  "dateTime": "1632756753272",
  "month": 1460,
  "profileId": 2,
  "userId": "first.last@immuta.com",
  "dataSourceId": null,
  "dataSourceName": null,
  "projectId": null,
  "projectName": null,
  "purposeIds": null,
  "policyId": null,
  "policyName": null,
  "fingerprintVersionId": null,
  "fingerprintVersionName": null,
  "count": 1,
  "recordType": "auditQuery",
  "success": true,
  "failureReason": null,
  "failureDetails": null,
  "subscriptionState": null,
  "accessedId": null,
  "accessedIdType": null,
  "accessedIamId": null,
  "accessedUserId": null,
  "groupAccessType": null,
  "groupIamId": null,
  "accessedGroupId": null,
  "component": "audit",
  "accessType": null,
  "blobId": null,
  "query": null,
  "queryId": null,
  "extra": {
    "params": {
      "size": 50,
      "sortField": "dateTime",
      "sortOrder": "desc",
      "offset": 0
  "dataSourceSchemaName": null,
  "dataSourceTableName": null,
  "featureKey": null,
  "sqlUser": null,
  "action": null,
  "blobSize": null,
  "hardDelete": null,
  "keyAction": null,
  "keyId": null,
  "keyIamId": null,
  "keyUserId": null,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-27T15:32:33.274Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-27T15:32:33.274Z"

Search for query list by data source


Method Path Purpose
GET /audit/queries/dataSource/{dataSourceId}/mine Returns the list of the current user's distinct queries for the specified data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId array[integer] The data source ID. Yes
offset integer Used in combination with size to fetch pages. No
size integer Pages results by default; size is the number of results to return per page. Default 50 No
sortField string Sorts results by field. Default dateTime No
sortOrder string Sorts results by order, which must be asc or desc. Default desc No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
auditId array[integer] The audit ID.
query string The query run for the data source.
lastRun integer The date and time the query was last run in Unix.
timesRun integer The number of times the audit has been run.
name string The name of the query.

Request example

The following request returns the list of the current user's distinct queries.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "hits": [
      "auditId": "ff264e8e-2ccc-468f-9129-bb0995c9cdf5",
      "query": "select * from \"public\".\"foobar\"",
      "lastrun": "1631627763345",
      "timesrun": "5",
      "name": "Name"
      "auditId": "f722042f-f0f3-4c83-bd33-7672892d918f",
      "query": "SELECT * FROM \"public\".\"foobar\" LIMIT 100",
      "lastrun": "1631200121550",
      "timesrun": "3",
      "name": null
  "count": 2
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