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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2024.1.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Method B: Complete Backup and Restore Upgrade

This procedure executes a complete backup and restore of Immuta.

The main steps involved are

  1. Capture a complete, current backup of your existing Immuta installation.
  2. Delete your existing Immuta install.
  3. Update the immuta-values.yaml to include all desired changes and re-install Immuta with the "restore" option set.

Rocky Linux 9

Review the potential impacts of Immuta's Rocky Linux 9 upgrade to your environment before proceeding.


Update your local Helm Chart before you complete the steps in this guide.

1 - Capture a Complete Current Backup

To leverage this procedure, you need Immuta's built-in backup/restore mechanism enabled in your Immuta install if it's not already in place.

1.1 - Enable Immuta's Built-in Backup Capabilities

Immuta's current Helm Chart provides a built-in backup/restore mechanism based on a PersistentVolumeClaim with an access mode of ReadWriteMany. If such a resource is available, Immuta's Helm Chart will set everything up for you if you enable backups and comment out the claimName.

# set to true to enable backups. requires RWX persistent volume support
  enabled: true
  # if claimName is set to an existing PVC no PV/PVC will be created
  # claimName: <YOUR ReadWriteMany PersistentVolumeClaim NAME>
  # set to true to enable restoring from backups. This should be enabled whenever backups are enabled
    enabled: false

If you need to make modifications to these values to enable backups, please do so and then follow Method A to commit them into your cluster before proceeding here.


If your Kubernetes cluster doesn't support PersistentVolumes with an access mode of ReadWriteMany, consult the subsections in this section of the documentation that are specific to your cloud provider for assistance in configuring a compatible resource. If your Kubernetes environment is not represented there, or a workable solution does not appear available, please contact your Immuta representative to discuss options.

1.2 - Check Existing Backups

After checking/enabling the backup/restore features, you can check to see if any previous backups have run, and if so when, by running kubectl get pods | grep backup:

kubectl get pods | grep backup
test-immuta-backup-1576368000-bzmcd                     0/2     Completed          0          2d
test-immuta-backup-1576454400-gtlrv                     0/2     Completed          0          1d
test-immuta-backup-1576540800-5tcg2                     0/2     Completed          0          6h

1.3 - Manually Trigger a Backup

Even if you have a fairly recent backup, it is advised to take a current, manual one to ensure nothing is lost between that backup and the present time. To do so, execute an ad-hoc backup with the following commands.

Begin by searching for the default backup Cron job:

kubectl get cronjobs
test-immuta-backup   0 0 * * *   False     0        <none>          14m

Now use that Cron job name to create your own ad-hoc job:

kubectl create job adhoc-backup --from cronjob/test-immuta-backup

Once that job is created, you should see it running in your cluster when you get pods:

kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
adhoc-backup-tj8k7                         0/2     Completed   0          8h
test-immuta-database-0                     1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-database-1                     1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-fingerprint-57b5c99f4c-bt5vk   1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-fingerprint-57b5c99f4c-lr969   1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-memcached-0                    1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-memcached-1                    1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-query-engine-0                 1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-query-engine-1                 1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-web-b5c7654fb-2brwb            1/1     Running     0          9h
test-immuta-web-b5c7654fb-csm7n            1/1     Running     0          9h

1.4 - Confirm Backup Completed Successfully

Once that job has completed, you can confirm that everything ran successfully by checking the logs of that pod. There are actually 2 containers in that pod: one that backs up Immuta's Metadata Database and one that backs up the Query Engine. If all went as expected your outputs to the following commands should be similar to the examples below.

Metadata Database

kubectl logs adhoc-backup-<RANDOM> -c database-backup
2019-12-17 07:29:55 UTC LOG: Driver staging directory: /var/lib/immuta/odbc/install/
2019-12-17 07:29:55 UTC LOG: Driver install directory: /var/lib/immuta/odbc/drivers/
==> Backing up database roles
==> Backing up role bometadata
==> Creating backup archive
==> Finished creating backup. Backup can be found at /var/lib/immuta/postgresql/backups/immuta-20191217072955.tar.gz

Query Engine Database

kubectl logs adhoc-backup-<RANDOM> -c query-engine-backup
2019-12-17 07:29:55 UTC LOG: Driver staging directory: /var/lib/immuta/odbc/install/
2019-12-17 07:29:55 UTC LOG: Driver install directory: /var/lib/immuta/odbc/drivers/
==> Backing up database roles
==> Backing up role immuta
==> Creating backup archive
==> Finished creating backup. Backup can be found at /var/lib/immuta/postgresql/backups/immuta-20191217072955.tar.gz

By default Immuta's backups will be stored in a persistent volume that's typically mounted at var/lib/immuta/postgresql/backups/ in the Cron job and var/lib/immuta/postgresql/restore/ in the database pods. In the normal case, this volume will persist across even the deletion of the Immuta installation and be picked back up during re-installation.

1.5 - (Optional) Create a Local Backup of the Backup

Best Practice: Keep Manual Copy of Backup

Immuta recommends a manual copy of this backup be made and held for safe-keeping until the upgrade has successfully completed:

kubectl cp test-immuta-database-0:/var/lib/immuta/postgresql/backups/immuta-<LATEST DATE/TIMESTAMP>.tar.gz db.tar.gz
kubectl cp test-immuta-query-engine-0:/var/lib/immuta/postgresql/backups/immuta-<LATEST DATE/TIMESTAMP>.tar.gz qe.tar.gz

2 - Delete the Current Immuta Installation

2.1 - Helm Delete Your Existing Immuta Installation

Once you have the backups secured, you are ready to delete the current Immuta installation and prepare to re-install the upgraded version.


This command is destructive! Please ensure you have a backup (Step 1) prior to running this.

Deleting the Immuta installation can be done by executing

helm delete <YOUR RELEASE NAME>
helm delete <YOUR RELEASE NAME> --purge
Example Output

If using cloud storage (S3, etc) for your backups, you should see something like

release "test" deleted

If using a persistent volume for your backups, you should see something like

These resources were kept due to the resource policy:
[PersistentVolumeClaim] test-immuta-backup

release "test" deleted
If using a PVC to store the backup

If you are using a PVC to store your backup data (as opposed to cloud storage), you should see prints regarding the persistent volume claim that holds the backup being "kept" as shown in the example output immediately above. This notification means the PVC and underlying PV will remain available for connecting back into the new installation for restoration. This is critical if this is where your backups stored! If you are using a persistent volume to backup your instance and you do not see such a message, please see Troubleshooting.

2.2 - If Using persistence, Delete Database and Query Engine PVCs

As noted with the backup PVC (if used). helm delete will not delete PVCs by default. When using persistence in your Helm deployments (which should be used for all but POV and/or testing deployments), the database and Query Engine pods will be backed by PVCs in order to preserve their data. When doing a full backup and restore, it is necessary to manually delete any PVCs before proceeding with the reinstall. If you do not, these existing PVCs will be picked up by the new installation, and the old data will interfere with the restore process.

To delete these PVCs:

2.2.1 - List Relevant PVCs

When the helm delete command finishes, confirm that all associated resources have been torn down by issuing the following and confirming that all pods associated with the Immuta installation have been removed.

kubectl get pvc
pg-data-test-immuta-database-0                  Bound    pvc-36ef1f8f-f07f-4f32-9631-f1bada8f70ed            6Gi        RWO            gp2                            3h32m
pg-data-test-immuta-query-engine-0              Bound    pvc-19b4a097-eae3-4d70-9373-bf74a937c6d9            2Gi        RWO            gp2                            3h32m

You should see a PVC listed for each database and query-engine pod you have. All of these will need to be deleted.

2.2.2 - Manually Delete Database and Query-Engine PVCs

To delete these volumes, issue a kubectl delete command for each:

kubectl delete pvc/pg-data-test-immuta-database-0
persistentvolumeclaim "pg-data-test-immuta-database-0" deleted
Delete both database and query-engine PVCs.

Delete all PVCs for both database and query-engine pods. Leave any other PVCs that may exist!

2.3 - Confirm Deletion and Resource Clean-Up

Confirm that all associated resources have been torn down by issuing the following and confirming that all pods and PVCs associated with the Immuta installation have been removed.

2.3.1 - Confirm Deletion of All Pods

kubectl get pods
No resources found

2.3.2 - Confirm Deletion of All Database PVCs

kubectl get pvc
No resources found

3 - Update Your Values and Re-Install Immuta

Please see the Kubernetes Helm Installation Instructions for detailed procedures to complete the re-install. As clarified in Method A, it is recommended that you remove nginxIngress.controller.image.tag=v0.49.3 when upgrading from Kubernetes 1.22+; otherwise, your ingress service may not start after the upgrade. See the Helm Chart release notes for details.

Once in a while Kubernetes resources are not completely freed by the previous helm delete. If upon re-install you have errors relating to conflicting resources, please see Troubleshooting.

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