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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2024.1.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Starburst (Trino) Installation Introduction

Starburst (Trino) Integration

Deprecation notice

Support for this integration has been deprecated. Use the Starburst (Trino) v2.0 integration instead.


See the Starburst (Trino) Pre-Configuration Details page.

Integration Options

Click a link below to navigate to a tutorial for your Starburst (Trino) integration.

Starburst (Trino) Integration v2.0


See the Starburst (Trino) Integration v2.0 Pre-Configuration Details page.

Integration Options

Click a link below to navigate to a tutorial for your Starburst (Trino) integration.